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Various Opinions on Bilingualism and Multiculturalism

Bilingualism and multiculturalism have created disunity in Canada:

        The preceding statement is true to an extent, the validity is seen in the separatists in Quebec. Canada is known as a bilingual country, having English and French as the official languages. Numerous groups that vouch for Quebec separating from Canada were formed. For example, the Parti Quebecois' leader, Rene Levesque, suggested that Quebec gains sovereignty-association. Sovereignty associations is when Quebec is politically separated from Canada, but it still connected to the country economically. In 1980, a referendum was held. The Quebeckers were asked whether they wanted Quebec to remain a part of Canada or leave it. These desires to separate were born out of the inequality. There was inequality between the anglophones and the Francophone in France. Anglophones were receiving higher pay than the Franco-phones, according to a study in the 1960's. Job opportunities for Francophone who did not speak English were very limited. Favoritism of the English-speaking arised in a predominantly French environment. This led to accumulating tension between the two groups, ultimately leading to the Quiet Revolution. Franco-phones in Quebec wanted social change, economic opportunities, and political control in their own province. This was all caused by the clashing of two completely different cultural groups. Which was due to the bilingualism and multiculturalism in Canada. It created disunity in this way, since the "us versus them" mentality grew.

Bilingualism and multiculturalism have fostered unity in Canada:

       The preceding statement is true to an extent, the validity is seen in the affirmation and promotion of the value and dignity of all Canadian citizens through policing multiculturalism. The adoption of the multiculturalism policy is important because it applies to every Canadian regardless of their racial or ethnic origins, language, religious affiliation. In 1971, Canada was the first country to adopt multiculturalism as an official policy. It serves as a unifying factor by discouraging discrimination of people. Discrimination serves as a divisive factor, in that an individual/group is mistreated due to prejudice. This policy stands against it, and with this as the backbone of Canada, more Canadian are likely to follow it. People from different cultures are able to co-exist, and respect each other in this nation. 


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