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Influential Canadians: Celine Dion

What has she done that has contributed to a national identity in Canada?

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Celine Dion
        The Quebec born singer has gained popularity all over the world. Not only does she use her talents in the musical arts to sing, but she uses her platform to be an ambassador for Canada. In July 26, 2013, Dion received the Order of Canada award. This award elevated her level to the Companion of the Order of Canada. This is the highest rank of the Order of Canada. She was honored because Dion represents the Canadian values worldwide. This is seen in her participation in social and humanitarian causes. An example of a cause she actively took part in is the Cystic Fibrosis Canada. CFC is a Canadian based organization that deals with the disease Cystic Fibrosis. It educates the public about what it is, and how its caused. There are a number of events that take place as fundraisers. For example, there is a super magical princess and superhero ball themed event coming January 19, 2019. Dion is known as the national celebrity patron of this cause. Another organizations she is involved in is the CHU Sainte-Justine. It is a health care center, the was founded by Justine Lacoste-Beaubien in 1907. It is known as the largest mother and child center in Canada. Dion is known as the honorary patron of CHU Sainte-Justine. To add, she also aids children and their families in need through her foundations. All her participation contributes to the national identity in Canada, because she promotes the idea of humanitarianism and helping others. Which are two things that Canada highly values.

What do I feel that has made her influential?

       I most definitely feel that her talents in the musical arts have given her rise in the popularity aspect. By gaining the love and admiration from her fans, her platform grew. She then used this platform, not only to provide for herself and her family, but for others. That goes how generous and compassionate she is, and those are very admirable qualities. Dion expression of these qualities, I believe, are also a part of why she's so influential. Her fans look up to her as a role model, and if they see their role model ding something, it's most likely the fan we do the same. So, her involvement in social and humanitarian causes may influence another individual to take part in such as well.


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