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Canada's Future

Which national model do you support the most?

       After exploring the positive and negative characteristics of pluralism, Aboriginal self-determination, global leadership, and the multinational model,  the model that aligns most with my values is the global leadership national model. This is because global leadership leads to the creation of cooperation among nations to achieve a common goal. This is seen in foreign aid efforts made after the Tsunami of 2004 by multiple countries. A multitude of countries banded together as global leaders to aid those affected by the tsunami. It occurred in the Indian Ocean area, and over 225, 000 live were lost. According to the U.S Geological Survey (USGS), the tsunami was generated by an earthquake that released about 23 000 Hiroshima-type atomic bombs. This energy release had been slowly building up over the years, deep in the earth. On December 26, 2004, this energy was unleashed, leaving more than 150,00 people dead or missing, and in 11 countries, millions of more were left homeless. Jan Egeland said, "the swift response had prevented a second wave of deaths through disease and malnutrition." The swift response refers to the world's aid efforts after the disastrous tsunami. If these nation did not act as a global leaders, a second wave of deaths would occur post-tsunami. This is because the tsunami destroyed everything. Homes. Farmland. Food. Leaving those who survived with nothing to survive off. Over $7 billion were contributed to governments and NGO's to give relief by providing for survivors, and rebuilding destroyed communities. An example of one of the global leaders that helped is Canada. The country has numerous organizations and agencies that work to improve the quality of life of people in developing countries. As well as deal with issues like poverty, human rights violations, famine, and etc. The Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) gave over $280 million to to government commitments to help rebuild the destroyed communities in the Indian Ocean region through 2009. The country worked with affected countries such as Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, and the Maldives, and more. This was through the means of governments and organizations. Also, by multilateralism. It is where multiple nations or nation-states that work together to achieve goals that affect the global community.


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